Sunday, September 25, 2016

The places I spend most of my time in life!

So since I'm a teenager of course I'm going to
spend lots of time in my room. I listen to music,
draw, play my ukulele, and of course sleep.

If I'm not in my room I spend time with my puppy.

When I want to read or just calm down I take a walk
and come to this space, it is so peaceful and I love it.

If you know me well then this isn't a shocker but I love
climbing trees in my spare time. I can spend hours in a tree.
( I know its weird. ) 
When I'm happy or just full of  life I will head to
the swings.  I love swinging and I even jump
off of them when I'm really high.

In the end day I will sit on my deck and just chill.
I especially chill here when the sun goes down. I will
take beautiful pictures and maybe do some homework if
it's nice out.   

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